Advertising in the Age of Distraction

Publicado por: jeronimo

Del capítulo de tendencias…

Este artículo escrito por Carl Marci en abril de este año en Marketingproffs nos relata el reto que tiene la publicidad para poder mantener la atención de los consumidores potenciales, debido a la gran cantidad de contenido y de medios disponibles hoy en día. Antes nos concentrábamos, por ejemplo, viendo un programa de televisión. Ahora estamos viendo TV y al mismo tiempo estamos con nuestro celular y/o tablet viendo las redes sociales, respondiendo chats, etc. Esta nueva forma de convivir es una tendencia que hace que la publicidad tenga que adaptarse y modificarse, tanto en su contenido como en su originalidad para que sea efectiva y no pase desapercibida.

Advertising in the Age of Distraction

Imagen vía web

Last Thanksgiving, the food devoured and the dishes cleaned, I distinctly remember sitting down to watch one of the football games, then glancing at my phone for Facebook updates and new email. All at once, an advertising tsunami hit, as if every brand I’d ever encountered was flooding me with messages in anticipation of sales. Clothes and TVs. Mobile devices and kids’ toys. Even those candles I’d bought for my wife a couple months earlier.

In that moment, however fleeting, the playing field was clear and the challenges for brands on full display: There may be more ways to reach consumers than ever before, but those consumers are harder to engage than ever before, too.

While my experience was in the key early stages of the holiday season, the challenges are not limited to the holidays. Brands are facing the same challenges every day, and the general acceleration of commerce is going to make this a permanent phenomenon.

Marketers need to know, more than ever, how to break through the clutter.

The proliferation of digital devices, coupled with a deluge of short, «snackable» content, has given consumers greater choice than ever in how and where they consume media. That’s led to more distractions and ever-shrinking attention spans. A couple of pieces of data illustrate the point:

  1. We use media more than ever before.Over the last 13 years alone, according to Nielsen research, average time spent using consumer media has increased from 45 to 65 hours per week. That’s a nearly 45% increase.
  2. We switch platforms more than ever before.In another study, Digital Natives (born 1990 or later) switched media platforms 27 times per hour, on average—or about every other minute. Those born before 1990 switched 17 times per hour on average—not quite as jumpy, but pretty jumpy nevertheless. The results translate into a 30% decrease in attention span.


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